The Importance of Gut Health

The Importance of Gut Health

You often hear about the importance of supporting your immune system. But did you know that 80% of your immune system is actually located in your gastrointestinal tract – AKA your “gut”? That’s why it’s so incredibly important to make sure you optimize your gut health!Gut Health Relies on a Healthy MicrobiomeThe real stars of your gut are tiny microorganisms...[ read more ]

Bad Fats vs. Good Fats vs. Great Fats

Fat. You can’t live with it (on your thighs and hips) but you also can’t live without it. And that’s because fat is an important energy provider that also helps us absorb important vitamins such as A, D, E and K. Fats can also help us feel fuller longer, so we don’t overeat. And our body simply NEEDS fat. Our...[ read more ]

What is Orthorexia?

There is no denying that healthy eating is good for us. When we eat right, we can make significant improvements to our overall health and well-being.But, as with most things in life, everything in moderation. There are those that take healthy eating to an extreme, becoming obsessive, and eventually developing an eating disorder known as orthorexia. If not dealt with,...[ read more ]

How Much Protein Should I Eat?

When it comes to macronutrients, carbs and fat tend to get all of the attention. “Do low-fat diets work?” “How many carbs should I eat a day?” Poor protein, which is undoubtedly the MOST important macronutrient, usually gets left out of the conversation.Why is Protein So Important? You’ve probably heard that protein is the building block of your entire body....[ read more ]

Using Adaptogens for Stress/Sleep

If you’re like most people, you deal with your fair share of stress. And often, this stress leads to an inability to get the quality of sleep necessary for optimal health and well-being.Often, people turn to harmful substances to deal with stress. Whether it’s drinking too much or eating processed “comfort” foods, these unhealthy stress beaters tend to make matters...[ read more ]